Pellia epiphylla

Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda (Pelliaceae)
Common Pellia

Distinguishing Features

Records for this large, simple thalloid species of wet, peaty soil in the Pacific Northwest are rare and often erroneous. It has the wide (>1 cm), smooth thallus and the thickened, nerve-like central region tapering out to thin wings that characterize the genus, but in this species the little antheridial bumps and the flap of tissue that encloses the developing archegonia and sporophytes are found on the same thallus ("monoicous"). The margins of the tissue tube at the base of the sporophyte are smooth or slightly lobed.

Similar species

Species of Moerckia have large, simple thalli, but are typically adorned with abundant scales on the upper surface. Such scales are absent in Pellia. Calycularia is similair, but has prominent pink-purple scales that can be seen with a hand lens on the underside of the thallus; these are likewise absent in P. epiphylla. Apopellia alpicola is a subalpine and alpine species that has a very dissected tube ("pseudoperianth") surrounding its developing sporophyte. Regionally, P. epiphylla does not occur at higher elevations, and its pseudoperianth is stubbier with margins that are mostly smooth. P. epiphylla has antheridia and archegonia on the same plant (monoicous), in contrast to P. neesiana and P. columbiana where they are on seperate plants (dioicous).


Moist to wet, shady mineral soil, rock outcrops, boulders, ledges, cliffs, shorelines, streambanks, marshes, ditches, and disturbed areas in the lowland zone

Associated species

Rhizomnium glabrescens, Rhizomnium magnifolium, Kindbergia praelonga, Hookeria lucens